BHARATA aims to be a groundbreaking entity that bridges the gap between a theatre workshop and a drama school. As a theatre artist, I have encountered numerous issues during workshops and am aware of the common struggles faced by the community. BHARATA seeks to alleviate these problems through thoughtful design and engaging events, festivals, and clubs.

About the Brand

BHARATA is an organisation that transcends the traditional boundaries of a theatre workshop or drama school, addressing the challenges faced by theatre artists and the community, while offering innovative solutions and vibrant cultural experiences.

Elevating musical Traditions

Musical theatre has been the mother of every other forms of theatre acts and also the first ones to emerge. They depicted culture, diversity and created soccial awareness. Somewhere the theatre groups are missing on this important aspect of theatre act and aren’t focusing on the visual aspects of it and sticking to the same old design concept.

A Devanagari typeface crafted with a single-line design, embodying the fluidity and grace of Indian classical art. This minimal, elegant typeface pays homage to traditional script while embracing a modern, streamlined aesthetic perfect for a contemporary theater school.




The Coffee Code